Monday, January 12, 2009

Started before I finish ?

Is it bad that I am starting a second project before finishing the first?

I can't help it ... I stumbled into a wool shop over the weekend and did my bit for the economy !!

It is going to be a wrap with funky scarf ties to it.
I am trying really hard to get the courage up to actually knit in a non-knitting situation .. i.e. the underground, the bus etc. I sit with my knitting in my bag just itching to get it out yet don't. :(

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Knit London - Chocs, Chat & New Addiction !

Well, I did it. I ventured out into a crowd of strangers, dove right in and came away smiling.

No, it was not the mosh pit at some metal concert - it was I Knit London's tuesday night knit group.

I got there a wee bit early so hung out at the Starbucks round the corner as I hate to be the first to arrive for anything ... ask my dates, I am always late :). I needn't have worried though because when I walked in at 5.45pm there were already three or four people there. I found myself a seat next to someone and being the shy reserved person I am I immediately badgered her for help with adding a new ball to my scarf. She was fantastic, didn't even hesitate to help me and I was off and running with a new ball within minutes. So simple .. can't believe I thought I would mess it up.

By about 6.15 the place was nicely packed. Literally. Every seat was taken yet more folding chairs kept appearing like magic. Everyone got settled in, projects came out, chocolates started to appear and they wonderfully kept stopping in front of me.

The conversations around the room made the night fly by and I suprised myself by how much I had knitted when I started to pack my things away.

I admit I did end up making a purchase (thanks to the lady who I have nick-named the 'chocolate pusher' who helped me pick out some wool and more needles) but have to say I was highly impressed with the fact that there was absolutely no pressure to buy anything. When it said on their website that the knit nights were free to attend they really meant it !

I will definately be going again next week and I highly recommend it to anyone who is a little nervous about attending a knit group for the first time. I know that walking into a room of stangers can sometimes be daunting but I got over that as soon as my coat came off !

Oh .... don't tell the boss I brought the 'work in progress' into work with me ;)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pins and Needles

Hi All,

Not exactly sure what to say here but I am waving todays choice of weapon - needles - in hopes someone sees me. I have not touched knitting since I was about 10 years old.

I moved to London with my career 5 months ago and it is so true what they say about London being the loneliest place if you don't know anyone. Although there are random crazy people you can chat to at the tube stations if you feel so inclined.

My housemate gave me a book called '1000 things to do in London' for Christmas and one of them suggested knitting. I laughed and thought why not.

So after scurrying along to a pretty cool shop last night (I Knit London) I came home armed with needles, wool, a pattern and big ideas.

The big ideas are on the shelf right now though while I knit a scarf ... standard starting place I guess.

Perched on the sofa last night and had amazed myself as I started remembering things from years ago ... why can't I remember things from last week?

My two housemates were eyeing me with caution as I got started and then both placed an order ..... they seem to think I will have it done by this weekend. Ha !!

So ...... short version of all that is ..... I'm knitting again and since I crashed my old blog I thought I'd start a new one here!!